Change can be & often is hard, especially positive habit, lifestyle & body changes. After all we generally do pretty much the same things, eat the same things, go to the same places each day, etc, etc, etc…….& if these daily habits are not leading or helping us to reach our goals (what ever those goals may be), then we need to start making some changes.
What diet, what meal plan, how to work this all out?
Energy balance comes down to Calories In versus Calories Out (CICO), which means the food we eat (Energy/Calories) is stored in our bodies if we eat more than we use. So we gain weight when we eat more calories than we use through movement & we lose weight if we eat less calories than we use through movement.
To Supplement Or Not To Supplement, That Is The Question
Just as a foreword, I have not referenced any of my recommendations here as I am trying to keep this a little simpler & easier read, however all advice here is fully backed by scientific research (I spend 1–2hrs each morning reading research papers to stay up to date with the research) & if you wish to review the papers I used here you can contact me here or by email @